
Showing posts from October, 2017


Have you ever suspected that the whole game of life is rigged? Your suspicions are correct! This video may be short but it says a whole lot! Here is what it said: “2016 is set to be a more unequal world than ever before. For the first time the richest 1% of the population will enjoy a greater share of global wealth than the other 99%.” Now this statement comes from the people that bring you The Economist; a publisher that caters to the 1% elite of the world. If you are like most people the contents of this video makes you very upset, and not out of jealousy, but because this is so unfair! You are being ripped off, and not just in a financial sense, your time, energy, and efforts have been exploited! It seems like the evil people that set up this whole system are not even satisfied with what they already have; seems like they won’t stop spreading artificial scarcity until they also possess your soul too! ALARMING! Unfortunately, most people have literally been brain washed into beli...

my top affilliate programs

                                                     mlmrecruitondemand                                                2                                                                                                       whole world ...

how to smart invest?

The One Thing Every Smart Investor Invests In Those who know me well would think I'm about to say the One thing every smart investor invests in is Cryptocurrency. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint You... lol While I know that an Investment in Cryptocurrency is what every Smart Investor should be actively doing right now but it's not the one thing that every one of them invests in. The Most Question I Get From Would-Be Smart Investors Every now and again, I get people asking me what I think is the best investment they should make? I've been inundated with this question that I decided to address it in a post, hence I'm writing this post. The One Investment that Smart Investors Can't Do Without Are You ready for it? Smart Investors can't do without Investing in themselves - They keep investing in Financial Education . Listen... It's not about looking for the Best Investment Opportunity, the real question is, Are You a Go...